Satisfied - Bradley Recording Company,1975
Come on In, Pilgrim - 1976
Morning Star, Grapevine - 1978
Right Track, Rivendell - 1980
Be Still, cassette only - 198?
Some great new music by Dana Lee Price, now Dana Winner, can be found at her website here.
We know this because Dana has been on the site this weekend, sharing some of the history of the duo and her experience of working with Sue McClellan and Grapevine. Her postings are here and here.
Last year we heard from the other half of the duo, Dave Price - details here.
* Additional note: Come on in is now available as a download at The Ancient Star Song.
And of all the unexpected places to get a link from this has to be it:
Popjustice, a blog which has the reputation for giving the coolest commentary on modern British pop
Dear Dana
it was me who wrote about you on Popjustice and the idea that you have read it is rather overwhelming
After my friend bought your record over 20 years ago we wore to out playing it all the time especially when we were flat mates back in the 90's
do you know anywhere i could get the album on cd ? i'd love to buy to for my friends as a surprise present. If i could get signed copies it would be amazing
i look very much forward to hearing from you all you can contact me at mumpboy@hotmail.com
all the best
I love this site. I never cease to be amazed how music that Dana and I made over 30 years ago still turns up. Of course, the popjustice thread related to finding the most obscure groups ever, so that helps to keep us humble!
Dave, as I listen to the music you made, I just enjoy a perfect mix of voice and guitar work. I hope that encourages you in your present life. Do you possess Be Still?
Thanks for your kind comment. I have kept busy with music over the years playing in variety of genres including Southern Gospel quartet, "Chicago" style praise band, "Glen Miller" style big band, pit band for productions such as "Grease" and even a symphony orchestra.. Recorded two guitar/vocal albums with a superb female jazz vocalist (wonder where I got that idea?!). Also, played on several Southern Gospel albums some of which featured my own compositions. Just retired from my day job and now concentrating on composing Southern Gospel music and recording in my home studio. I will search for Be Still and let you know if I find it. All the best, Dave
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